Tuesday 7 December 2010

Role of NGO and INGO in ICT development

The number of governmental and private organizations are playing important role in the development of ICT .For example E-Network Research and Development (ENRD) has been conducting the huge number of ICT based projects and programs in the rural areas of Nepal by taking itself as the number of technicians, man powers and experts in the related fields and ENRD is the non-profitable private organization. Its concept is to establish the internet facility by bringing the computers with in the reach of the poor people. ENRD had started the Nepal Wireless Networking Project as a pilot project from a small and remote area of Nepal with the help of foreign supporters and volunteers. Similarly NITC(National Information Technology Center) and HLCIT(High Level Commission for Information Technology) are the governmental organizations working on the field of ICT .But governmental organizations like NITC and HLCIT are not working efficiently because of the absence of good monitoring from the side of government .As a result , they could not reach to the rural areas of Nepal and could not implement their plans and visions as they had made and thought .So it is necessary to have a very good policy and good monitoring to develop the ICT in the rural areas of Nepal. Another non-profitable private organization is HELP NEPAL and is working to establish the e-libraries in the governmental schools of rural areas of Nepal effectively. Help Nepal has already established two e-libraries, in Dang and Bhaktapur, and two new e-libraries will soon be set up in Kavre and Morang districts. The next six districts targeted are: Banke ,Bhojpur , Chitwan, Sunsari, Rautahat, and Rupandehi. Each e-library will cost approximately US$2,800 .

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