Tuesday 7 December 2010

Content Development and Gender Advocacy

Local content development is closely tied to human development, and the ultimate aim is the empowerment of local communities. This actively played role in the local content creation, development and packaging and which collects shares and disseminates local knowledge and is supported by flexible technical solutions. Recently some organizations have been continuously working on the documentation and dissemination of local content among grassroots communities in education, health, information and communication sector.Male and female are each wheels of a cycle. Revolution in the society is impossible without the changes in the attitude of both male and female. In the modern age technology women are highly marginalized and far from using ICT services available in the communities and even in their home. To change the conservative thoughts and stop violence against women it is necessary to launch the number of gender advocacy programs in rural village taking male as active collaborating partner .ICT is very good tool for the advocacy and socio-economic empowerment of the rural women.

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