Sunday 31 August 2014


There is neither sufficient facility available in the country for advance research and development in ICT and in other important subjects nor any formal research and education network exists in the country so that available resources in the globe can be access efficiently. Due to the lack of research infrastructure people are compelled to go abroad for research work and significant numbers of people are flying day to day. Government, non-government, private organizations and individuals have been spending huge budget for research and higher education. Moreover, majority of such people never come back to the country. It has great impact in country's economy as well as human resource development for country's overall development?
The targets of the ICT projects are the people living in a Himalayan region of Nepal where there is almost no chance of getting the modern means of communication in near future. It has introducing the information technology to villagers, most of whom had never seen computers until a few years ago. Most of the villagers still have no idea as what the uses of the computers are. For the villagers, a computer is no more than a "mysterious box". Moreover, they have no idea what Internet is. Its initial goal is to introduce the "mysterious box" to the remote villages and show its real uses to the villagers. It is only after the villagers see what a computer does will they be motivated to learn about it and use it by themselves step by step. Each step they will take will be a step forward to bring the digitally divided countries closer.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

ICT For Women

Information communication and Technology (ICT) is very important tools of development. ICT disseminates the message to one another and it can create an informed society. ICT can play a vital role to change social infrastructure. Since Nepali society is dominated by male, women have less access and influence to basic needs including ICT. Women's numerical position is much higher than male but social position is very low. Socially women are highly deprived therefore we should change our social structure through ICT. In rural areas mostly female are engaged in agriculture and only household activities. They have very little access to information and education. Only 25% female are literate in Nepal. ICT can give real message which is happening here and there but female are isolated from those means of communication. In rural area illiteracy rate is much than urban area. ICT is the means of social changes but these means can't be used by the rural people as they cannot get easy access and opportunity.

ICT For Marginalized Community

Programs focused on women and marginalized community because they are much excluded groups of Nepalese society. In rural areas of Nepal the economic status of local communities is very low so they cannot afford ICT tools by own self. The telecenters can be established in rural areas by the initiation of local communities are helping rural people organized through ICT tools. The focal programs for marginalized community to rise awareness, build capacity and generate income through using means of ICT is encouraging them on actively participation in each programs conducted by telecenter and gradually mainstreaming them in the VDC level programs.


e-Government (from electronic government, also known as e-gov, digital government, online government or in a certain context transformational government) refers to the use of internet technology as a platform for exchanging information, providing services and transacting with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government. e-Government may be applied by the legislature, judiciary, or administration, in order to improve internal efficiency, the delivery of public services, or processes of democratic governance. The primary delivery models are Government-to-Citizen or Government-to-Customer (G2C), Government-to-Business (G2B) and Government-to-Government (G2G) & Government-to-Employees (G2E). The most important anticipated benefits of e-government include more efficiency, improved services, better accessibility of public services, and more transparency and accountability. There are many considerations and potential implications of implementing and designing e-government, including disintermediation of the government and its citizens, impacts on economic, social, and political factors, and disturbances to the status quo in these areas.

Content Development and Gender Advocacy

Local content development is closely tied to human development, and the ultimate aim is the empowerment of local communities. This actively played role in the local content creation, development and packaging and which collects shares and disseminates local knowledge and is supported by flexible technical solutions. Recently some organizations have been continuously working on the documentation and dissemination of local content among grassroots communities in education, health, information and communication sector.Male and female are each wheels of a cycle. Revolution in the society is impossible without the changes in the attitude of both male and female. In the modern age technology women are highly marginalized and far from using ICT services available in the communities and even in their home. To change the conservative thoughts and stop violence against women it is necessary to launch the number of gender advocacy programs in rural village taking male as active collaborating partner .ICT is very good tool for the advocacy and socio-economic empowerment of the rural women.

Computer Training and E-Learning

Along with ICT awareness campaigns and focal program on computer technology and its associated applications, Capacity Building Programs are regularly conducted through the telecenters. Trainings on computer hardware and software applications for the rural students, unemployed youths, teachers, women groups is becoming a great opportunity in their career development as well as improving livelihoods. A trained teacher can use his skill to teach the student, it will be better performance than earlier pencil-paper-blackboard system. A business man can use his computer skill to manage his business tips, and account. Computerized business recording system gives higher efficiency and effectiveness in accounting.This low-cost, low-maintenance model is highly suitable for rural Nepal. The e-Library will allow beneficiaries to leverage modern information and communication technology (ICT) to enhance learning, build computer skills and narrow the digital divide. It's strong enthusiasm to make it real is in fact to full fill the shortage of qualified teachers and improve the quality of education in the rural schools .Students are getting wide platform to do extra curriculum activities, general knowledge and more importantly acquire and exchange tips on text books and solutions of many subject related problems. Most of the rural area of Nepal is very much far from urban area. It is very difficult to take books from one place to one place to another place,we can use computerized library system in all the socio-government school so that student can be able to read e-books.

E-Commerce and Tele-Medicine

e-business of local products via internet and intra network has greatly encouraged rural villagers to do organic cheese, honey and ghee production, open Nepali paper and handicrafts based small enterprises and online marketing the local products. VOIP phone and opening cyber cafes along the tourist trail is also an opportunity to earn money. Due to easy access of information, many small scale income generating activities are doing by the villagers in the individual basis as well as being organized in group. In rural area there is a problem of market to reach the product such as honey, ghee, sugarcane, vegetables and other else. By using technology like E-commerce system, a farmer can share his product on line. Similarly someone can demand or order his needs in the common block or blog or in website.In Nepal, there is acute shortage of doctors in the rural villages. There is even no health post in remote rural villages. Majority of rural villagers depend on the traditional health care system which is entirely based on herbal constituents or spiritual offerings (shamanisms). To take basic facilities of quality health services in rural areas, pilot tele-medicine project is running in different centers. These rural centers are connected with the well equipped and facilitated hospital. In the absence of specialists in rural area, a doctor can use video tutorial system, live treatment system.